Sunday, January 17, 2010

Special Post - Critical Mass. Election

Updated Monday 11:39AM ET

Many may not know about Tuesday's special election in Massachusetts for the late Edward M. Kennedy's vacant Senate seat, which has turned into a huge pivot point for the entire country's economic future as traditionally liberal Massachusetts voters have put surging GOP candidate Scott Brown ... I can't believe I'm about to say this ... in the poll lead!

Here are the latest intrade election market prices ... thanks for forwarding Angelo.  And be sure to check Green & Company's ongoing blog for ongoing trader tax legislative updates.

Why is this election and sudden turnabout (after trailing by as many as 30 pts in past polls) critical? And why am I posting this on what is largely a trading journal??

Because he represents a critical swing vote in the Senate, and may very well be key in helping stop the current tax-laiden freight train that includes long-term trader transaction tax implications.

If you're a registered Massachusetts voter, PLEASE make sure you cast your vote on Tuesday and spread the word to other Mass. traders. (I have a call and email into Bob Green's office to see if he'll mention it as well.)

Do your research and vote your conscience of course ... just as I'll be doing.

You can call it the Boston Tea Party ... Part 2.